Casing Spider Table
A Casing Spider Table (CST) is a large bearing assembly that has the capacity of holding entire casing string weights while rotating. It functions as a portable rotary table.
Casing Swivel
A Casing Swivel (SWV) is a surface tool that allows tubular rotation on either side, while the opposite side remains stationary.
Cement Head Pump Through Plug
A Cement Head (CMT) is a surface tool that allows casing rotation, reciprocation, and slurry pumping simultaneously, all while releasing the cement plugs. The CMT-PTP allows remote control launching of the top plugs.
Cement Head Pump Around Plug
A Cement Head (CMT) is a surface tool that allows casing rotation, reciprocation, and slurry pumping simultaneously, all while releasing the cement plugs. The CMT-PAP allows the use of smaller casing size plugs and tapered casing plugs.
False Floors
A False Floor is a portable rig floor used to setup overtop of existing rotary table equipment that requires an elevated work area.